Weaponize your car in Overrunning mode!

Posted on ShootMania Galaxy 7 years ago

Admit it - you've got everything you've asked for. Breaking the jail, collecting money of your enemies, hunting tornadoes... Tired of playing with some balls? You're always the first tribute to die? Are Toads too strong? Well, now you can just relax in a perfectly normal deathmatch! Oh well, forgot to mention you're put inside of a car...

In Overrunning mode players try to get highest score by eliminating other players, using cars. You are given possibility to control one of three TrackMania cars (Canyon, Stadium and Valley) with ability to shoot Rockets. The first player to reach point limit wins.

The mode is in development. At the moment it's played like usual FFA deathmatch, but in future it will become an extreme, team-based power-up derby!