NRL CHAMPIONS CUP 2020 100K Planets

Posted on Stadium Racing Evolution 5 years ago

Special event : The 5th Anniversary of NRL ROC 100K.

Sunday, December 22th 2019 18:30-20:30 cet.
Server : NRL Events Server*
Best Of ROC Tracks from NRL ROC 100K server.
Open at 17:30, start : 18:30 Cet.

Game format :
10 tracks in Cup mode, 1 round of warmup and 2 rounds of race per track

Planets : Winner:10000, P2:5000, P3:3000, P4:2500, P5:2000, P6:1500, P7:1000, 500 for all other.

No registration, Open for all
*In SRE title : store or here

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