GameWard Duo Cup 2 - 27th & 28th June - 500€ and more

Posted on NзxTy 4 years ago

GameWard Duo Cup is already coming for a second edition !

Be prepared the week-end before the release of new Trackmania ! As GWDC will be
on 27th & 28th of June

This edition, 5 maps have been made for the cup ! 3 maps are tech-dirt style (Like LYON ESPORT), 1 map air france like and 1 map is more "fun" than others.
Thanks to Roquete, Arien, Deska, Gwen & N3xTy who made maps.

Let's talk about rewards, you won't see many changes as :
1st - 260€ For the Duo & 2 some cool Thrustmaster rewards
2nd - 120€ For the Duo
3rd - 80€ For the Duo
4th - 40€ For the Duo

So what changed that much for this second edition ?
> - Tournament Tree : We added a Looser Bracket
> - 32 Duos will be qualified for Day 2
(this mean you'll have more chance to go in Day 2, in 8th Final)
> - Match are already scheduled
(we are fast)
> -
I promise there won't be any problem with servers this time

So get ready for the GameWard Duo Cup 2
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